A&B Railroad calendar photo submission could earn you $50!
Win a $50 gift card and bragging rights in the 2025 A&B Railroad calendar!
The 2024 A&B Railroad calendar was a great success, so now it’s time to start thinking about 2025.
For 2024, we were able to feature photos submitted from several customers, Facebook friends andA&B Railroad employees, and we would like to take that even further in 2025. Submit your pics of anything A&B Railroad and landscapes.
The colors are changing and those make for some really cool photos. But winter photos are the toughest to find and offer the least competition for entry into the calendar.
You can submit photos via email to nicholea@zfsinc.com and we’ll keep them on file for all future calendars, as well.
Remember, if we use any of your photos, we’ll send you a $50 gift card.
But, there are a couple of important things to note. Because the calendars feature large, glossy photographs, please make sure you send us high-resolution photos, which means setting the “file size” on you camera or phone to large or extra large.
Also, because of the calendar’s design, horizontal pictures fit better than vertical. We can maybe still use vertical shots as smaller, inset photos, but horizontal pics are preferred.
If you keep those things in mind, you’ll have a better chance of getting your photos published in the 2025 A&B Railroad calendar. There is no limit to how many photos you are allowed to submit.
We can’t wait to see the next round of photos from all of you.
You may use the form below or email your photos directly to nicholea@zfsinc.com.